> News > Vivactis Switzerland launches a series of free webinars on marketing for life sciences ventures

Vivactis Switzerland launches a series of free webinars on marketing for life sciences ventures

Vivactis Switzerland is happy to launch a series of FREE webinars on marketing for life sciences ventures, in its metaverse-like environment (3D VR environment, no glasses or plug-in required).

In this series, the Vivactis team will talk about the basics of market analyses, the importance of positioning and targeting, how to build an effective a marketing campaign in healthcare and much more.

​These webinars will take place every FIRST Thursday of the month, at 13.00

  • Upcoming events: Click here!
  • Access to the 3D environment: Follow this link, register, customise your own avatar and attend the webinar…in 3D! At the end of each session, you will have the chance to interact with the other avatars present in this virtual environment
  • Demo of 3D environment: Click here!

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#1 November 10th, 2022 (13.00-13.30 CET) Introduction to market launches in the life sciences sector, program presentation

Your Vivactis Switzerland team is happy to welcome you in its metaverse-like environment (3D VR environment, no glasses or plug-in required) to share some insights on product launches in the life sciences sector.