Starting a healthcare company as a medical doctor
From patient care to product development: An MD’s entrepreneurial journey
Why an innovative culture is critical in a world-leading hospital
New frontiers in cancer treatment
Fast-tracking new cancer drugs to the clinic and beyond
Harnessing the immune system to fight cancer
Nutrition: a public health priority
Why our children’s diet needs to change
The small but mighty micronutrients your health depends on
Navigating the complex world of fertility – and why we need holistic reproductive care
Bringing male fertility into clearer focus: AKYmed’s disruptive approach
Infertility and innovative solutions
Gender gap & women’s health
The gender gap in healthcare: Where are we at?
A gentler way forward: How gynaecological innovation is helping women with pain management
The value of a fresh perspective
Secrets of a serial entrepreneur
The benefits of cultivating a diverse workforce
What’s hot in the life sciences: Trends, opportunities and challenges that have shaped 2023
The life science market in 2023
Teamwork: the secret ingredient for radioligand therapy
Harnessing nuclear medicine for cancer therapy: Challenges and rewards
Radioligand therapy and theragnostics
‘They brought a can-do attitude, matched with critical thinking’: first cohort of EPFL graduates...
Longevity: Leading the next healthcare revolution’
Ageing and Longevity: Science in Progress
How repurposing drugs for healthy ageing could lengthen lifespans
Funding innovation, from R&D to clinical use – the Distalmotion success story
Fundraising for start-ups: Simple strategies that actually work
Matching entrepreneurs with experts to create relevant digital health solutions
FutureHealth brings its innovative healthcare conference to Lausanne for the first time
Navigating AI in healthcare: The delicate balance between caution and progress
AI in diagnostics: Overcoming fear through understanding
Unleashing the Power of Next-Generation Cell Therapy
Cell therapy: Overcoming the manufacturing bottleneck through automation
Getting a foothold in the Swiss Health Valley: a Vanguard-alumni perspective
Do we still need to bridge the gap between academia and industry?
Taking the plunge: what’s it like to move from academia to industry?
Commercialising biomedical inventions: The IP and licensing journey
Intellectual property and patent: What every innovator needs to know
Empowering women leaders: A win-win situation
‘I’m a mumpreneur but no wonder woman’: The reality of juggling a business and a f...
‘Innovation is about people’
Clinique La Prairie and its pioneering heritage
Biopôle SA: The past, the present and the future
Consulto: Working with – and for – your family
Family affairs: what it’s really like to run a family business
Understanding stress to better overcome it
Resilient’s mission to keep burnout at bay
The quest for a lifelong and anticoagulant-free heart valve
Rethinking cardiac care to save more lives
Pioneering the use of medicinal cannabis
Medicine: the integrated complementary approach
A new partnership to bring innovation for better patient care
Unpacking the role of AI in scientific innovation
The power of Artificial intelligence (AI) to fast-track R&D
Volv, leveraging A.I. for difficult-to-diagnose diseases
Last year’s StartLab prize winner of the Imagine If! competition reflect on his experience
Making vaccines accessible to everyone
Cancer vaccines: the quest to cure cancer through vaccination
The electronic patient file: story of a collaboration between Cara and Swiss Post
How online consultations are giving patients peace of mind
How digital health is transforming patient journeys
What dark matter means for the future of therapeutics
Opening the black box of epigenetics
What it takes to be an entrepreneur in femtech
Why femtech start-ups are booming
Making sense of immune response data for precision oncology
How single-cell technology is revolutionising cancer immunology
2021 milestones at Biopôle
Newcomers at Biopôle
Swiss post: Digital health is part of our digital strategy
From bench to bedside: New opportunities for the Biopôle community
HIV epidemic & treatments: what’s going on?
Biopôle’s entrepreneurs share: Journey and tips from Ronald Kempers, CEO and CFO at Mymetics
How do start-ups support Biopôle’s partners?
How do corporate partners support Biopôle’s members?
Ichnos Sciences: Breakthrough therapies for cancer patients
Biopôle’s entrepreneurs share: Journey & tips from Raj Lehal, CSO of Cellestia Biotech
Evolving strategies in cancer treatment
Biopôle’s entrepreneurs share: Journey & Tips from Amélie Béduer, CEO & Co-founder of...
Biopôle’s experts say: Medtech industry trends and vision by David Neale
Gondola: The non-invasive solution for walking and balance impairments
Interview with Dr. Caroline Arber, haematologist at UNIL, CHUV and the Ludwig Cancer Research
Interview with Prof. Michel Prudent, Head of Research and Development Products at Transfusion Interr...
Interview with Nicolas Durand, Founder and CEO, Abionic SA
Nicolas Fasel, un parcours au cœur des maladies parasitaires
Neurotechnologies offer new hope for patients with Parkinson’s disease
Interview with Xi Zhang, Founder and CEO at Superlab Suisse
Interview with ND BioSciences