> News > Ofac Group, the Swiss Pharmacy Cooperative Corporation, launches Abilis 2.0

Ofac Group, the Swiss Pharmacy Cooperative Corporation, launches Abilis 2.0

Abilis 2.0 – the Swiss eHealth platform Abilis 2.0 – the Swiss eHealth platform

Abilis reinforces the digital link between pharmacists and their patients. With its new webshop module Abilis is now offering to pharmacy an online sales channel. With about 1’500 pharmacy in Switzerland,  Abilis allows to configure 1’500 webshops with customized catalog, personalized presentation and adapted logistic.

On top of its new webshop module, Abilis proposes 5 eHealth modules to optimize and secure the relationship between pharmacist, patients and their treatment:

  • Medication plan

  • Renewal treatment

  • Invoice history

  • Allergy journal

  • Tele-medicine

On November 16th, Abilis launches a digital marketing campaign across Switzerland with the support of its agency Franz&René and MediaMix.

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