Vitruvian Shield is a digital health platform as a service that offers a dedicated and secured API, a web app, and a mobile app all connected with a smartwatch equipped with sensors such as ECG, PPG, EDA, ACC, and thermistor; specifically developed for researcher physicians and medical research; our 1st product is a research and commercial tool for clinical studies and AI development; the primary goal of Vitruvian Shield is to continuously collect viable and actionable human vital signs representative of chronic pathologies and develop and implement AI to support and optimize the Elderly and Chronic care/treatment and follow up. With the CHUV our Swiss academic partner for our software development, and clinical trials we work on the detection of all forms of epileptic seizures.
In Switzerland and abroad, in the medical field, particularly clinical research, creation, development, maintenance, and marketing of IT solutions, applications, and connected devices allowing remote monitoring of patients; take all patents, licenses, inventions, or processes. All provision of services and all operations converge to these goals.
Vituvian Shield SA
Buidling Phenyl
Route de la Corniche 3a
1066 Epalinges