
Neuria has developed a patented neurocognitive motor training system with which we deliver digital therapy via mobile games to rewire patients’ brains to decrease unhealthy cravings. By targeting the main contributors of chronic diseases (sweet/greasy/salty food items, tobacco and alcohol), our intervention leads to sustainable weight loss, a permanent shift toward healthier consumption habits, and increased quality of life.

Neuria activity and research are centered around developing and deploying innovative digital therapeutic interventions aimed at restoring healthy consumption behaviors. At the core of your efforts is the development of evidence-based, gamified digital therapeutics (DTx) interventions. These interventions are designed to enhance cognition and assist in the recovery of brain-related disorders, with a special focus on treating (over)consumption behaviors and addictions by restoring healthy brain reward responses to problematic environmental cues.


Bâtiment Phenyl – DH2

Route de la Corniche 3,

1066 Epalinges



  • Digital Therapeutics
  • Behavioral changes
  • Brain remodelling
  • Brain plasticity
  • Addiction treatment