LifeDX is creating accurate and affordable diagnostics devices capable of helping developed and low- and middle-income countries increase healthcare quality and efficacy of early diagnostics and prediction.

  • Infections Dx
  • Respiratory Dx
  • Brain damage Dx
  • Food safety Dx

Platforms: lateral flow, ELISA, microfluidics.

Product examples: HIV 3rd and 4th Gen Malaria (Pf, HRP2, pLDH) Tuberculosis Hepatits B, C Treponema Pallidum COVID-19, FluAB, RSV, etc.

c/o StartLab
Building Alanine
Route de la Corniche 5
1066 Epalinges


  • Rapid tests
  • diagnostics
  • medical devices
  • brain damage
  • biomarkers