> News > Biopôle SA announces collaboration with reCIRCLE

Biopôle SA announces collaboration with reCIRCLE

We’re thrilled to announce that from 1st September all campus restaurants, including Méridio, L’Union, Ven’art and La Ferme, will be using high-quality, reusable containers from reCIRCLE.

We’re committed to offering sustainable solutions on the Biopôle campus – which is exactly what this new partnership with reCIRCLE allows us to do! Whether or not you want to eat in our campus restaurants or grab your lunch to go, you’ll be able to use reCIRCLE’s reusable, leak-free packaging to transport your meal/any leftovers. Thus, we hope to significantly reduce both food waste and plastic waste.

On-campus food trucks will join this initiative in 2025. We are excited to see the immediate impact on our sustainability efforts!